Plan for the Week


Happy Tutorial Tuesdays!

Last official tutorial of the year! (which I feel very relaxed about. don't even worry about it.) Got some good advice on how to structure the thesis, which is the main thing I've been struggling with.

The headlines:

Thesis cutting room

Got the feedback on my draft this week, so most of the week has been responding to that - some stuff I had to cut out of the draft

I anticipate that by applying reflexive thematic analysis to the case studies in question, I will be able to identify patterns that emerge in TV portrayals of a-spec identities. Identifying these patterns will be instrumental to answering the question of to what extent these TV portrayals are influenced by stereotypes and societal assumptions.

Transcripts will be analysed using the same reflexive thematic analysis method used to analyse the TV case studies, as I will hopefully then be able to identify differences between how a-spec identities are presented in TV versus how they are presented in the focus group discussions, as well as people’s responses to the TV clips.

I anticipate that this focus group process will give me insight into how a-spec identities are understood both by those who identify as a-spec and those who do not, and the role of TV in contributing to this understanding. It should also give me insight into what are perceived to be common stereotypes about a-spec identities and whether these are perceived to be reflected in TV portrayals of these identities. I also anticipate that I will learn more about whether or not TV portrayals of a-spec identities are perceived to be “realistic” or if they are seen as distorting the reality of these orientations. Finally, I anticipate I will gain a greater understanding of the capacity of these TV portrayals to either challenge or reinforce assumptions.

Similarly, it is possible that the idea of Asian characters being asexual is seen as more acceptable because Asian people often face desexualisation and are presented as “not sexually attractive” in the media anyway (Sinwell, 2014, p.166).

Reading of the Week

Continuing to read Michael Paramo:

Possible further reading:

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