Plan for the Week


Reading of the week

Finished reading Ending the Pursuit! Absolutely wonderful book - I'm in awe of what Michael Paramo is doing with it and the scale of their ambition. I almost can't help comparing what I'm doing to their work - it makes everything I'm working on feel so small. Probably good to remember that I'm not like. The editor of an ace/aro/agender literary magazine writing a crowdfunded work of creative non-fiction. I am just one grad student. ALSO AZE JOURNAL OPTION TO GET MY WRITING PUBLISHED HMMMM???

Anyway notes:

Also realised I quite desperately need to look at some more sources on teen shows as a genre. Will probably be going back to the BU library later this week for another look at Teen TV, but today looked at The Television Genre Book edited by Glen Creeber.

From the Introduction to Teen TV, by Glyn Davis and Kay Dickinson:

Possible further reading:

Thesis updates

Thesis progress is going alright! Thematic analysis points are all written up in at least a first draft form, I've written up summaries of all my TA case studies to hopefully make everything a bit clearer, and I've started adding in the points from the focus groups.

Still to do is finishing adding in focus group points and then going back and responding to the remaining comments I got from Emma on my draft, which should be do-able! Let's just not think about the fact that I also have a presentation to make for the week after next...

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