Plan for the Week


Reading (and documentary) of the Week

Back to reading things this week - finally sinking my teeth into an article I've wanted to look at for a while: The Abject Single: Exploring the Gendered Experience of Singleness in Britain by Ai-Ling Lai, Ming Lim, and Matthew Higgins - an article that looks at the experiences of single people in Britain from the perspective of marketing research

Overall this was an interesting article - a lot of points made and ideas discussed here were familiar to me from the writings of people like Brown and Chen, and even at the time this was published much of this would already have been explored by Brake in Minimizing Marriage. Still, the connections drawn to the theories of Kristeva and Butler were very interesting, and I also found it interesting to see how many parallels there were with points that came up in the focus groups I ran! That said, I still found this article a little frustrating. Obviously it was written in 2015 when asexuality and aromanticism were far less talked-about as concepts, but it still feels like a huge blind spot that the article only mentions asexuality once in the ending section on where the research could be taken further, and aromanticism (which feels. more relevant though I acknowledge that back in 2015 there wasn't necessarily a clear distinction being made between the two) doesn't get mentioned at all. I mean, Minimizing Marriage was published three years before and that book was very clear on the fact that a-spec communities would be among those most affected by the societal norms being called into question. And furthermore, why wasn't amatonormativity brought up? I mean probably because they didn't know that was a thing but guys Minimzizing Marriage had already been published for three years we've already talked about this.

Anyway I think objectively it was a good article it just wound me up slightly LOL.

In addition to my reading, I also (finally) got around to watching the documentary Disclosure, about representations of trans people in media! Some notes:

Possible further reading/watching:

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