Plan for the Week
Transcribe audio for a-spec focus group part 1
Transcribe audio for a-spec focus group part 2
- Transcribe audio for non a-spec focus group part 1
- Transcribe audio for non a-spec focus group part 2
- Watch Watchmen
- Watch Disclosure and Miss Representation
- Read The Abject Single
Events of the Week
- My adventures in transcription continue! After fighting against what felt like 500 demons all called Adobe Premiere Pro I finally managed to successfully get the 2nd part of the 2nd focus group transcribed. Gave it a proper listen back and it's interesting hearing a different perspective on the clips after listening to the first group so many times. Also Premiere's transcription ability is kind of fascinating - like it does actually seem slightly noteworthy that it consistently picked up the words "asexual" and "asexuality" but not "aromantic" or "aromanticism".
- Finished transcribing the a-spec focus group - the non a-spec group still needs to be transcribed rip but at least progress is being made
- Watched a very fascinating movie called Lake Mungo that I simply can't figure out my opinions on. I'm not sure if I like it or think it's good but I'm just captivated by it - I feel like there's a lot of interesting threads going on in this film but I'm not sure if they really cohere into anything. It's got an interesting framing device of being a fake documentary but that also makes it kind of difficult to parse the director's actual intent. It seems to really, REALLY want to be Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me but it also doesn't at all. It may be about to join Angel season 4 in my personal canon of "media that is making the most batshit insane hard hitting statements about patriarchy and sexual violence but doing it entirely by accident". I just don't know what to think. I'll probably end up rewatching it just to try and figure it out.
- Did I get even half the stuff I meant to do this week done? No. But I DID get to take part in my friend's performance art piece! Or at least I took part in the rehearsal this week and will be doing the actual assessed performance. It's a really really cool project about language and identity - to take part I was asked to find "a piece of writing by someone else that makes you angry. That tries to talk about you for you on issues such as your body/identity/autonomy." I ended up going with the new RSHE schools guidance, which frankly I'm surprised I haven't talked about here already because it has pissed me off so much. Obviously the transphobia is awful and the proposed new age limits are just fucking stupid and this shit is GOING to get people hurt, but also I just can't stand the entire ethos behind it. This idea that parents should be able to have ownership over their children and should have the right to decide what their kids learn, even about their own bodies, it just pisses me off so fucking badly. It's awful. And again, people are going to get hurt because of this. The longer you wait to teach kids about sex and their own bodies the more vulnerable they're going to be to abuse I feel insane I feel like I'm yelling at a fucking wall I can't believe we're still having to deal with this section 28 style bullshit.
- Anyway, how the performance art worked is we had our chosen pieces of writing printed off onto paper strips that we then wrapped ourselves in, and the performance involved cutting off words from our own paper strips and each others and rearranging them into new pieces of writing. Here's what I came up with - I wanted to try and write something that celebrated education as a way of giving power to young people and giving them greater autonomy. Not sure if that came through - it kind of just turned into a rant, but I kinda like it.

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