Plan for the Week


Off to London! (again)

Went back to London for a few very busy few days of theatre and gallery exhibitions!

International Asexuality Day!

This year IAD fell on the 6th April, and a 24 hour livestream was organised of panels with lots of different asexual activists. This was a great opportunity for me to hear from current activists on what the contemporary issues are for the ace community. These are the panels I attended:

There were some other panels I was interested in but missed because either they were too early or too late, but fortunately they seem to have all been recorded so I'll be catching up on those next week!

Other Events of the week

TV of the week

This week I finished watching Generation! I can't lie I honestly don't have that many thoughts on it - it was pretty similar to Heartbreak High just slightly less deranged in a fun way. Turns out I was right and the asexual character was indeed Greta. The show doesn't explicitly use that term but it's pretty clear in context and there's interviews where the showrunners talk about it, like this one! I feel like they potentially would have got more into it in a second season if the show hadn't been cancelled after the first one.

Anyway I think overall the show was fine, but I do kinda take issue with how they talk about asexuality in the interview in question, and I think it's perhaps representative of some of my wider issues with portrayals of asexuality in TV. Showrunner Daniel Barnz talks about how Greta and Riley "now have to navigate what happens when one of them identifies as asexual. That’s a really fascinating and modern problem. It’s an interesting obstacle to explore in a love story". And yeah I guess that's true and I would have been interested to see how they would have handled it if they got a second season, but also I do wish there were more depictions of asexuality that explored it in ways other than as a source of relationship drama. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since relationship drama is the bread and butter of teen shows, but if there's one thing I think is clear from all the reading I've done about asexuality and aromanticism, it's that asexuality impacts people's lives in so many ways, and there's so many different facets of it. Why are we apparently not capable of telling stories about it that aren't just about how it makes dating harder. AGAIN. IN SEX EDUCATION SEASON 4'S DEFENCE at least it TRIED to do something different even if the execution wasn't great.

Anyway check out the transcripts here and form ur own opinion or whatevar.

Reading of the week

Back on that Elizabeth Brake grindset (for the last time wahoo!!!) here's my final set of notes from Minimizing Marriage!

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