25th November

It's been an interesting week! We had our hand-in for our contextual review draft on the 24th, so I was mostly just knuckling down and getting on with finally writing that. No idea if what I've written is "good" or "counts as a contextual review and not just a regular essay", but I guess that's what the draft submission is for lol. I will say I feel like I do definitely have a much clearer idea now of what I need to do more research on - I found writing the section of my review on societal attitudes impacting media to be a real challenge, and it made me realise that the only real source I have for it at the moment is the Croteau and Hoynes book. The asexuality/aromanticism-specific stuff I actually have a lot of different sources for, so methinks it's time to go back to some more general queer theory/media studies stuff.


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