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Time to not think about that again for a billion years

Focus Groups!

In further exciting news, got my focus groups done this week as well! It was a really interesting experience running focus groups for the first time - the first one was definitely scary but with the second group I felt a lot more confident and I think did a much better job with moderating it. The tech stuff was really my main worry but based on a cursory listen back to bits of the recordings it sounds like it's all gone ok. Had really interesting discussions with both groups and it was generally just a really positive experience! I won't be analysing the results until after the break but I've definitely picked up on a lot of really interesting threads throughout the discussions. Not super looking forward to the transcription and analysis process since I have about 2 hours worth of recording from the first group and an hour and a half from the second which is y'know. A LOT. That's longer than extended edition Return of the King. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Thoughts from the first group:

Thoughts from the second group:

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